Wednesday, September 22, 2010

I really do not enjoy work :( (Long rantings)

Today was a shit day. (Skip this part if you know you'll be bored)
Had a horrid day at work and I think I really can't stand that dog hole. I am sorry but patience is running short and for someone like me, it is quite a feat to be able to withstand such rubbish.

Firstly, when I arrived, the security guard had to make things difficult for me and made me put my bag in the locker when it was the smallest one i ever brought to work. Thanks and I slept for 4hours the night before?
To add on, I can receive up to 10 calls from my boss in a day. She's nice but 10?

Secondly, the people are so uneducated and unrefined. There was this bitch, who thinks that because she's a loyal bulldog to taka, full time, she can boss her ass around and throw her weight like she is the boss? She shouted at me from the aisle and told me to pick up the phone and said that she had already called me loudly once. Thanks, I am sorry for not being able to hear your relentless barking alright. Aww, poor dog.

Lastly, I have absolutely no means to communicate with any single one besides Y and Unc J who are the nicest people there.
I definitely have no opinions about my own race but seriously, they are so cheena that I don't even know how to retaliate when I argue with them which makes me boil further because they will have no sense of what I am speaking but they love to bootlick and act englishy in front of customers. I am sorry but I am not saying that they are low-class but I really think that they should brush up on their English before throwing their weight around and acting like they think they are kings. Hate such people who are so full of themselves when they are nothing at all. What's your freaking contribution to the society exactly? If you don't please do us a favor and Shut up.
And some aunties are just incorrigible. They are so unhelpful and just care about their own counters, fighting for business, behaving like a bootlicker in front of customers and ignoring their colleagues. Not that they offended me but I can't watch people like this. Degradation.
I am not going to further insult how useless they are so I'll stop here.

I bet you think I am such a bitch after reading this post but you should be there to see them than you'll know what real bitches are, literally and figuratively.
I have no better way to describe this bunch of imbeciles except the one and only word which is most apt for them, DOGS.
In case you're wondering why I am not quitting yet, I know I am hard up for money.

I'm lovin it! " Best Photo Of The Day! "
*points to sixuan's face*

Adeline's crown

We love the Big M.

Sisty and I :)

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