I baked with Sixuan yesterday. Second batch was epic burnt.
But we had fun, and i think lazing a simple friday away at home with a couple of cookies and facebook is ideal. Totally what we want, just chill.
I had Wendy's for dinner & I really love it. Don't understand how can people dislike it! Its yummy. I need to start to get back my life! Town is good. I love winter wear and I seriously wish Singapore could snow or some sort. Than I could roam the streets with my trench coat and scarf wrapped around my neck as well as boots that will look so cool. I wish. I wish. I wish.
Anyway, I have decided to make the best out of this horrid semester.
I will and I can do it.
Going to attend the lectures & tutorials, read up. Research on my university, continue to keep up with my interests. Keep up my blogshop which is dead for now. And most importantly, love my life.